
Analytical Framework

Facets of Sustainability

Policy Scenarios

WP 4

WP 5

Strengthening social coherence

Workpackage 3, Task 6

Content This task aims at examining how the social dimension of the sustainability agenda is or could be treated in currently available models, and at deriving methodological proposals to upgrade this treatment (modifications of existing models, coupling with other models, new generation of models). This social dimension of sustainability often works synergistically with the environmental dimension but its main drivers may be different in nature. This forced us to enter a dialogue with modellers specialised in fields other than energy and environment. Representing the focus of Task 6’s core activities, the following issues were explored as to adequate and operational approaches for developing model components:
  • Evolution of the pyramid of ages, as a consequence of demographic population dynamics including the impact of migration internally to EU 25 and between EU 25 and the rest of the world.
  • Income distribution and social exclusion due to imbalances in the access to basic infrastructures or accelerated migration flows.
  • Impact of aging and of domestic and cross-country population dynamics on (1) final demand in terms of energy intensive goods and services, (2) demand for health services and other care services and (3) infrastructure requirements (health systems, energy, transportation)
  • Impact on the formation and direction of saving capacity and its implications on trade and capital flows, insurance systems and on the funding of infrastructure, social security systems and environmental policies.

These components are also helpful in upgrading our understanding of the internal and external vulnerability of European societies to external shocks such as the volatility of energy prices and environmental hazards (including health impacts) in the context of an aging population.
