
Analytical Framework

Facets of Sustainability

Policy Scenarios

WP 4

WP 5

Sensitivity analysis

Workpackage 1, Task 3


Systematic sensitivity analysis is another methodological feature that enhances the robustness and scientific quality of the model simulations. Several approaches were used depending on the type of model and computing requirements. For evaluating the sensitivity of key parameters ( e.g trade elasticities, energy demand and supply elasticities) both non-stochastic approaches, such as variation within certain ranges, and stochastic approaches, such as Monte Carlo and Gaussian quadrature type methods, were considered.
Evaluating the sensitivity of model simulations Task 3 involved:

  • Deterministic approaches for sensitivity analysis based on varying the key parameters within a defined range.
  • Stochastic approaches for sensitivity analysis based on Monte Carlo and Gaussian quadrature type methods.

ZEW (lead) with all modelling groups in the Transust.Scan consortium