
Analytical Framework

Facets of Sustainability

Policy Scenarios

WP 4

WP 5

Stimulating innovative mobility systems

Workpackage 3, Task 4


Current transport and mobility systems play a critical role in the growth of our economies, the state of our environment and impact significantly on the use of fossil fuels and thereby related security of supply issues. Similarly, the structure of future mobility systems for the transport of individuals and goods on urban, national and international pathways will undoubtedly impact strongly in each of these aforementioned areas.

As such a range of scenarios was developed to look at the sustainability or otherwise of current mobility systems, the impact of new policies and changes from the current ‘business as usual’ systems, and finally, the mobility systems required to achieve desired sustainable policy targets.

Scenario development was adapted based on information gained from stakeholder consultations, however an initial ‘non-exhaustive’ list of issues to be incorporated into the range of scenarios included:
  • Demand and supply side measures for influencing trip reduction and reducing the amount of mobility services used in the mobility of persons and goods.
  • Demand and supply side measures for influencing the modal split of the transport sector.
  • Targets for the fuel efficiency of cars and the matching penetration dynamics of corresponding technologies.
  • Incentives for improved penetration of alternative fuels and vehicle technologies across all modes.

UCD (lead), ECN